
Saturday September 28th 12:00pm

Q&A With Director Martin Butler


Set on a remote Pacific island, covered in rain forest and dominated by an active volcano, this heartfelt story, enacted by the Yakel tribe, tells of a sister's loyalty, a forbidden love affair and the pact between the old ways and the new.


Oscar nominated as Best Foreign film TANNA is an extraordinary retelling of a Romeo and Juliet story set in a tropical Pacific paradise.  Martin Butler and Bentley Dean have produced a film of luminous beauty in a breath taking setting for a powerful story of star crossed love.  In the great tradition of Australian filmmakers shooting under extreme conditions this is a picture which the audience repeatedly asks itself “how did they manage to shoot that”?  With an unfortunate track record of the film industry purloining other people’s culture for its own purposes TANNA is a wonderful example of filmmakers working closely with an indigenous community to produce a unique but universal story we can all fall in love with.


“The most interesting interpretation of Romeo & Juliet since Baz Lurhmann’s ground breaking 1996 version”. Daily Telegraph

“It’s like Jane Austen in the jungle as the characters defy tradition, cause social upheavel and follow their hearts in the quest for happiness”.  Jim Schembri 3AW

“A tale of star-crossed love that is as poignant as the insights are acute into vanishing tradition and the changing status of women”. Radio Times

Powerful visuals, naturalistic performances, and economic filmmaking combine to bring added resonance to Tanna's impactful story and fresh cultural perspective.



Martin Butler


Lingai Kowia
Charlie Kahwa

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